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Leading with laughter in a school setting can positively affect the learning environment and the overall well-being of fellow educators. Here are some reasons why incorporating humor and laughter into leadership can be beneficial:

1. Creates a Positive Atmosphere: Laughter is a powerful tool for creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. When leaders use humor, it helps to build a sense of camaraderie and fosters a more relaxed and welcoming environment.

2. Builds Connection and Trust: Humor can be a great connector. When leaders use laughter appropriately, it helps to build trust and rapport with staff. It humanizes the leadership figure and makes them more approachable.

3. Reduces Stress: Laughter has been shown to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. In a school setting where stress and pressure can be high, incorporating humor can be a helpful coping mechanism for educators.

4. Boosts Morale: Laughter is a natural mood lifter. Leaders who incorporate humor into their interactions can boost the morale of the entire school community. 

5. Encourages Open Communication: When leaders use humor, it can break down communication barriers. Staff may feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns in an environment that values lightheartedness.

6. Strengthens Team Dynamics: Laughter is a social activity that can strengthen bonds within a group. Shared laughter helps build a sense of community and teamwork.

While leading with laughter can be highly beneficial, leaders must be mindful of the context and ensure that humor is inclusive, respectful, and appropriate for the educational setting.

In Episode 255 of Class Dismissed, we talk to Duncan Lyon and Olaf (Ole) Jorgenson. Each guides independent schools in California, and both know the importance humor can play when leading a team of educators.

“I start every faculty meeting with something humorous,” says Jorgenson. “Usually, these meetings are at the end of the day, and everybody is tired, and not everyone likes meetings. For whatever reason, starting with laughter just lightens everything.”

Lyon and Jorgenson know that most people would not argue with them; humor works in leadership. 

But they wanted to dive deeper into the topic of humor and laughter. So, they surveyed other school leaders across California and asked them how humor helps build trust. They also found existing research supporting the impact humor can have.

Listen to Episode 255 of Class Dismissed on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app to learn more about their research.

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